There have been some excellent articles this May that I don’t want you to miss. Here are some of the must-reads to get your business in shape.
1. Death by a thousand cuts
Brett Davidson
In a competitive environment, getting a little better all the time doesn’t look like much chop either in the short term. If I hire better staff that cost a bit more, will anyone notice? If we spend extra time building cash-flow models for all of our clients, what difference will it really make?
Our clients love us already. However, in the long term, it’s these things that separate the great from the good. Just like compound interest, these small positive additions add up. Read on to find out more.
2. What’s your version of success?
Brett Davidson
In business, it’s all about the results. We live in a world where the outcome is what people want to know. Nothing matters more. Except that when you really start to look at what matters it seems there are plenty of other contenders for the crown. Here are some things you might want to focus on, in addition to the results.
3. If only there was a pill to fix it
Brett Davidson
Do you have some goals, dreams, and ambitions for 2020? I sure hope so. Whatever it is you’re aiming for this year, you can do it.
You can achieve the incredible, if you work smart.
You can achieve the incredible, if you focus on the bigger vision (a goal bigger than money).
You can achieve the incredible, if you improve; and there’s always room for improvement.
You can achieve the incredible, if you put the good of your team and your organisation first.
There’s a formula for success. But it’s not what you might be thinking. Read on to find out more.
Uncover Your Business Potential
Uncover Your Business Potential is an in-person coaching programme for the owners of financial planning firms who know there’s more value that can be created from their business.
Now in its seventh year, Uncover Your Business Potential is the go-to course for professionals just like you, who want to:
- increase revenue and profitability,
- feel more in control,
- make better decisions, and
- get stuff done.
Uncover Your Business Potential will challenge you to be the best version of yourself and a force for good in our amazing profession.

Limited places available for a second course commencing Thursday 25th June.
But you’ll need to act fast. Only four places left at time of writing.
Death by a thousand cuts and 2 more must-reads for your business
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