Autumn has definitely arrived in all its splendour. While you’re breaking out the winter coats for the change in the weather, it might be time to think about making some changes to how you do business too.
Happy Halloween and enjoy these great reads.
Don’t Quit On Yourself
Brett Davidson
Some days you’ve just had enough. This article is all about that feeling and some fresh ways of dealing with it.
The Payback From A Learning Culture
Brett Davidson

One of the most valuable roles you can play as a leader within your business is encouraging your team to keep growing and learning new skills. Here are a few ways to do that.
Creativity Matters More
Brett Davidson
What matters more; creativity or intelligence? Read on to find out.

If you’re looking for some support in taking your business to the next level, I’ve created 11 different video coaching modules that solve some of your biggest business challenges.
Some of the most popular ones are:
- Understand Your Client Base (segmentation, servicing, disengaging)
- Packaging Your Services To Demonstrate Your Value
- Pricing Your Service Perfectly
- Creating A Killer Review Service
- Converting New Clients (the first meeting process)
- Marketing Strategies That Work
You can find more information here.
“Don’t Quit On Yourself” and two more must-reads for your business
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