With Spring around the corner, now is a great time to get actions in place for the second quarter of the year. Here are three articles from February that I hope will inspire you to get to work and help your business grow.
When everything matters, nothing matters
Brett Davidson

There can be lots of reasons why you’re not progressing as fast as you’d like in your business. But here’s the real issue for most owner advisers; Most business owners are spread too thin. You know it. You feel it. And you see it.
A brief interlude to tell you about an amazing cause close to our hearts.
Can you help us raise some money?
Ali Golding is a personal friend and former choreographer who’s worked on some of the biggest shows in the West End. After her dance career concluded she started using dance and movement to help children with learning challenges and the results have been stunning.
MovementWorks® optimises the learning potential for individuals of all abilities using a scientifically proven approach. Their services include Autism Movement Therapy® and Developmental Dance Movement® programmes.

They’re trying to raise £9,565 asap to create some online resources that can be used to help children all over the country.
If you can find a way to support Ali and her team that would be amazing.
We’ve donated and would love it if you could too.
Here’s a link to a short video and the Aviva Community Fund page.
And, back to business as usual (after you’ve checked out the link above).
Four contact points that make or break your service
Brett Davidson

Toward the end of last year, I read Excellence Wins by Horst Schulze, co-founder of the Ritz Carlton hotel chain. It made me think of the first impressions we try to make as financial planners. I’m thinking the same principle applies. Let’s skip past the first impressions created by your marketing and website etc. I’m interested in the “guest experience” once they’ve decided to book a “stay” with your financial planning business. What are the first four contacts with you?
The hard way is the easy way
Brett Davidson

As you grow your business you’re continually bumping up against new situations and challenges that you’ve never faced before.
Maybe you tell yourself you’re a great adviser but you’re not very good at all the business management stuff or the recruitment and HR issues. Or you’re great with clients but no good with compliance. Does telling yourself these things make them true? Only if you want them to be. Read on to find out more.
“The hard way is the easy way” and two more must-reads for your business
Live Training with Brett – Creating Your Business Plan
On Wednesday 24th March, I’m running a 2-hour live training session on Zoom that will take you through the whole business planning process from start to finish.
I’ll be holding your hand at every step of the process.
All you need to do is to become a member of my Uncover Your Business Potential Online community, and that’s really easy to do:
I’ve got a 1996 Custom Shop, Fender Stratocaster guitar. If I wanted to know how to play it better I’d subscribe to a ‘play-better-guitar’ blog. If you want to run a better financial planning business you need to subscribe to a ‘run-a-better-FP-business’ blog like this one. Sign up below. (You can leave anytime, although I don’t think you’ll want to)
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