If the wet, wintry weather has driven you indoors and you’re up for some reading to while away the hours, then here are our top 3 popular articles from February. Hopefully, they’ll inspire you to spring into action and move your business forward, whatever the weather.
1. Get Better, Not Bitter: Small wins and business growth
Brett Davidson
Agghhh compliance!!!! Yeah, I know. But don’t let it prevent you from doing something amazing in the Financial Planning space. Be the firm that finds the best and simplest way through the regulatory minefield.
Read on for some inspiration to keep going.2. The short and sweet guide to raising your fees
Brett Davidson
One of the scariest things you can do is increase your prices. But it’s a necessary step on the journey to running a profitable, high quality Financial Planning business.
For the record, in all my years of consulting, no one I’ve worked with has lost the clients they’re looking to keep when they’ve increased their fees. In this article, I look at how to do it.
3. Sometimes it’s just too hard to do business
Brett Davidson
Where do you make it difficult for people to buy from you? A poor experience with some rental car companies in Australia got me thinking about some lessons we could learn.
Read on to find out the good, the bad and the ugly.‘Get better, not bitter’ and 2 more must-reads for your business.
Can you ever have too much of a good thing? I think not. If you’re with me, then sign up to receive this blog straight to your inbox every week. You’ll get tonnes of free advice to grow your Financial Planning business. You’ll thank yourself later.
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