Sorting the great from the good
The internet is full of great shared knowledge online. So much wisdom that it’s sometimes tough to sort the great from the good. On our FP Advance social media channels we curate for you, sharing links from some of the best and brightest in the business world.
The following are some of our most popular links. Well worth a clicking on:
1. How Financial Planning Retainer Fees Are Going Beyond AUM Fees Rather Than Replacing Them
Michael Kitces
If you want to read one of the best pieces on the fee debate (AUM vs Fixed), this is it. I’ve felt for a while that much of the industry chatter around moving away from AUM fees was interesting and a debate worth having, but certainly not a trend.
Personally, I’m still happy with the AUM model for most clients that planners work with. However, I understand the point of view that advisers like Alan Smith are putting forward. In fact Alan provides a detailed comment at the end of the piece which is also worth a read.
2. The Gospel According To Buffett
Robin Powell
Here’s a great piece on Warren Buffett’s latest and most compelling advice to investors.
This is information we should be communicating to clients and the general public.
3. Navy SEALs explain how your ego can destroy everything
Business Insider
Here’s a short video piece from US Navy Seals (guy on the left was obviously carved from granite by God him/herself).
They discuss why leaders fail in their environment and it’s nothing to do with physical skills or mental toughness. They fail because they are not humble, or don’t accept responsibility or can’t change or see something a different way.
Great for one’s own awareness (well, it was for me).
4. Truly Successful People Never Compromise on These 6 Things
Nela Canovic
I love these six things that successful people never compromise on. I’ve compromised on all of them at some point in my life, but I really do try to make these things sacred now.
This piece from Nela Canovic at Inc. Magazine was a great reminder.
5. Stay on the Bus: The Proven Path to Doing Unique and Meaningful Work
James Clear
I love this James Clear article. The trick to getting great at something is simply to stick with it. There’s a little more too it, but this article provides a fantastic analogy that let’s you see the benefit in just persisting.
I’m giving this MUST READ status. Let me know your thoughts.
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