When I was first out of school and working in a consumer electronics store (selling Hi-Fis, TVs and Video recorders – remember them?) one of the top sales guys took me under his wing and told me: “You can’t sell anything over the telephone”.
Potential customers used to call the shop and ask for our best price on an XYZ. He told me: “If you give them your best price, what do you think they’ll do with the information? Call another store that will promise them another ten dollars off and you’ve lost the prospect. You’ve got to get them into the store.”
Recently, I’ve seen so called marketing experts getting advisers to make all sorts of statements on Twitter (and I’m assuming on other social media platforms) that seem aimed at getting a bite; a sales lead. For me they’ve missed the whole point of Twitter. It’s about building connections, not about making sales. As my sales mentor said: “You’ve got to get them into the store.”
This one fundamental understanding changes the way you engage with people on Twitter.
Look at Pete Matthew, a leading financial planner and clued-up creator of the Meaningful Money podcast; everything he does on social media is helpful to clients. Now there’s a marketing idea. I’ve heard social media sales wiz Phil Calvert say many times: “People still buy from people.”
So it pays to be more human and less salesy.
At our Finding The Right Clients workshop on Tuesday 1st December I’ll give you some simple but powerful ways to increase the effectiveness of your social media marketing.
So if you’ve been dabbling in this area but had no result, I can show you how to change it up for the better.
Maybe you’re not sure why you should be using social media, but would like to give it a try. I can save you months of wasted time and effort.
I have a really great day planned and hope to see you there.
Finding The Right Clients
A One Day Workshop
Here’s some more of the valuable content we’ll cover on the day:
How you can create a unique voice that stands out to improve lead flow
The importance of knowing what you stand for and how it wins new clients
Why good content is so important for generating referrals
How to create compliant content that doesn’t suck
The best way to generate marketing leverage from a single piece of work
Mixing the traditional marketing methods with new ideas
Using client events as a marketing tool
Smart ways to help you work your professional connections
10 simple but effective ideas that will transform your lead flow
Improving your online lead generation
Recognising what happens just before you see an increase in on-target leads
Understanding social media and how to make it work for your business
Email marketing made easy
Delegate discussion session – sharing the best lead generating ideas from the attending group.
Buy tickets for Finding The Right Clients here
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