Summer is here at last, and here are some great articles that will help you spend more time enjoying the sunshine (hopefully).
Grab a cool drink, find a shady corner and get reading.
1. The productivity delusion
Brett Davidson

Do you plan your day first thing every morning, or do you just jump straight in and answer a few emails? In the past I knew I needed to plan my day, but still failed to do it. I’ll explain why in this article. Nowadays I start every day with a coffee and my daily planner. I’ve learned my lesson.
2. Are your clients talking about how great you are
Brett Davidson

Are you getting the most out of each and every client review meeting you do? For most firms, the answer is ‘no’. Read on to find out the key to maximising return on your time and effort, by increasing client word-of-mouth referrals from each meeting.
3. Are you cutting stones or building cathedrals?
Brett Davidson

Have you ever gone through a phase in your life where you can’t quite get yourself out of bed in the morning? I mean literally. For days, weeks or months on end, your motivation seems to have left the building. I’ve occasionally had these phases in my own life and I’m sure you have at times, too. In this article, I’m going to ask you to dig in and try to find what that higher purpose is for you.
Uncover Your Business Potential 2020
World-class coaching for world-class financial planners
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Uncover Your Business Potential will challenge you to be the best version of yourself and a force for good in our amazing profession.
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If you’d like to arrange a call to discuss whether Uncover Your Business Potential 2020 is for you, you’re gonna have to do it quick smart.
The productivity delusion and two more must-reads for your business
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