Have you had the chance to step back and reflect in August? A break from business as usual is essential to getting things done when you’re back at work.
Here are our must-reads for your business this August, that are sure to get you ready to achieve your goals in the coming months!
So, sit back, relax and have a read…
How to break through your current turnover ceiling
Brett Davidson
Trying to bust through your current turnover ceiling? This article will get you thinking differently about the issues holding you back.
It’s a Packaging Issue
Brett Davidson
Most financial planners I know do a great job. However, that doesn’t always translate into instant sign up from new prospects. Why is financial planning so hard to sell? Read on to find out what the real issue is.
Short Term Decision Making Leads To Short Term Results
Brett Davidson
If you’re not getting the go-forward you’d like in your business, then this article will help you understand why that’s the case and show you what can be done to fix it.

Uncover Your Business Potential 2021 is enrolling now
Our next Uncover Your Business Potential programme commences on Thursday 23rd September.
It’s like an MBA for the owners of financial planning businesses.
Watch this video to find out more
Groups are limited to a maximum of 20 firms and places are allocated by application only.
We’re only running one group this year.
If you’d like to know more, let’s set up a call – [email protected]
“How to break through your current turnover ceiling” and two more must-reads for your business
I’ve got a 1996 Custom Shop, Fender Stratocaster guitar. If I wanted to know how to play it better I’d subscribe to a ‘play-better-guitar’ blog. If you want to run a better financial planning business you need to subscribe to a ‘run-a-better-FP-business’ blog like this one. Sign up below. (You can leave anytime, although I don’t think you’ll want to)
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