A little Summer reading
Summer is here at last, and it’s time for you to learn what business is all about, so you’ll spend more time enjoying the sunshine and less time trying to figure things out.
Here are some of the must-read business articles that inspired us this June, and were shared on FP Advance’s social media.
Grab a cool drink, find a shady corner and get reading.
Learn how to come back from failure with these 11 TEDx talks
Here’s a veritable library of great talks, that you probably haven’t seen, on bouncing back from failure. My personal favourite is number 10, from Ryan Holiday.
How to Make Connections If You’re Allergic to Networking
Elisabeth Rosario

The title says it all. If, like me, the thought of ‘networking’ makes you feel queasy, then here is a great article to help you think about it differently so you can avoid acting like a sleazeball or a bore.
The Best Leaders See Things That Others Don’t. Art Can Help.
Bill Taylor

A fascinating piece on how a visit to the Art Gallery can help doctors, police officers and entrepreneurs see things differently. This one is not just for art lovers.
How Tiny Habits and The “Two-Minute Rule” Can Help Your Productivity
James Clear

Here’s a short interview with master of all things habit, James Clear. He discusses how habits compound over time and shape your identity, as well as how to get started by using The Two-Minute Rule. He also shared a few tips on tackling a smartphone or technology habit.
The Death of Referrals and the Future of Business Development for Financial Advisors
Michael Kitces

Michael Kitces says, “It is accepted wisdom that the best way to grow an advisory firm is through referrals. Except that it isn’t anymore. In the latest Investment News 2016 benchmarking study of the Financial Performance of financial advisors, it turns out that referrals aren’t the primary driver of AUM growth for RIAs anymore. Not client referrals, nor professional referrals, nor even both combined. Instead, it’s now all about external business development and marketing strategies.”
Read on to find out what that all means for you and your business.
How to Make Connections If You’re Allergic to Networking and 4 more must-reads for your business

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