To round off 2019, I take a look at the most popular blogs that have resonated most with the readers over the course of the year.
They hit some major topics like effective planning, changing financial times and building systems that will make your business great.
If you missed them the first time around, here they are for you to catch up on. I hope you enjoy them.
Here’s to a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Forget About Goals, Work on Systems
Goal setting gets all the headlines. It’s like the outgoing sibling who seems to get all the attention.
Yet the quieter, less outlandish sibling is systems.
Yes, goals are exciting and sexy, but it’s systems that will make your business great.
Click here to read: Forget About Goals, Work on SystemsFinancial Times They are A-Changin’: Rise of the Robos
In the US, major and credible industry players like Schwab and Vanguard are building their own direct-to-consumer advice offerings. These approaches are what is termed ‘cyborg advice’, a mix of robo and human adviser.
For now, the full-service Financial Planning model adds more value than these other approaches. Nothing to worry about, right?
I’m not so sure.
Click here to read: Rise of the RobosSecrets to stepping off the treadmill

I think everyone knows that planning ahead is a better course of action than not planning ahead. Planning is the secret to getting off the treadmill and loving your business again.
Yet most businesses I know don’t plan ahead very well. Why?
Click here to read: Secrets to stepping off the treadmill
3 articles to boost your business: Forget About Goals,Why We Hate to Plan and Rise of the Robos.
Can you ever have too much of a good thing? I think not. If you’re with me, then sign up to receive this blog straight to your inbox every week. You’ll get tonnes of free advice to grow your Financial Planning business. You’ll thank yourself later.
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