By Brett Davidson
I’ve read some great stuff lately and wanted to share it with you.
One is a book called “Beyond The Obvious: Killer Questions That Spark Game Changing Innovation”, by Phil McKinney. McKinney used to be the innovation manager at Hewlett Packard and has some great questions for looking at your industry differently – something that I believe all of us will need to be doing over the next couple of years if we want to stay ahead of the curve.
Here are McKinney’s top 10 quotes from the founders of HP. I love them
- The greatest success goes to the person who is not afraid to fail in front of even the largest audience.
- Set out to build a company and make a contribution, not an empire and a fortune.
- The best possible company management is one that combines a sense of corporate greatness and destiny, with empathy for, and fidelity to, the average employee.
- The biggest competitive advantage is to do the right thing at the worst time.
- A company that focuses solely on profits ultimately betrays both itself and society.
- Corporate reorganisations should be made for cultural reasons more than financial ones.
- A frustrated employee is a greater threat than a merely unhappy one.
- The job of a manager is to support his or her staff, not vice versa and that begins by being among them.
- The best business decisions are the most humane decisions. And, all other talents being even, the greatest managers are also the most human managers.
- Investing in new product development and expanding the product catalogue are the most difficult things to do in hard times, and also among the most important.
Check it out on Amazon …