Our Professional Connections Masterclass on 21 09 2011 in Central London is shaping up nicely
We’ve put together a brilliant panel session in the afternoon with John Gaskell from the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Nick Cann from the IFP and Jason Butler from Bloomsbury Financial Planning.
They’ll be sharing their vast experience and unique insights into what makes relationships work between financial planners and the professions.
We’ve also added a post class networking opportunity to give you more time to mingle with our experts.
You can get a taster of what the Masterclass will be about by viewing Brett’s latest Webinar:
http://www.brighttalk.com/r/drzYou need to register once (free) to watch the Webcast as part of Thought Leadership Live, an online community for IFAs.
Here is some of the feedback we’ve received from Webcast attendees attendees:
Brilliant presentation. Very clear, no hesitations, excellent delivery
Just the right pitch to give us an appetite for the seminar on 21/9
Brett knows his stuff and has been there done that – you can’t get better
Really made me think more about existing prof relationships and very concise presentation
Good practical advice, well presented