5 Must Reads from June
Summer is here at long last. Here are some great must-read business articles we shared on FP Advance social media this June to give your business a boost while the sun (hopefully) shines.
Great writing from some great thinkers. Well worth a read.
6 Ways Business ‘Gurus’ Can Lead Advisors Astray
Angie Herbers

This Think Advisor piece is a must-read for all adviser-owners. Herbers says, “Small businesses have about as much in common with Apple or Exxon as their owners do with Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.” Her point being that of the many challenges that are common to most of her clients, perhaps the most pervasive – and damaging – comes from trying to apply the ‘business school’ MBA principles that are touted by many business books, speakers and consultants to an advisory firm.
I couldn’t agree more. Everything you do has to be tailored to small businesses.
Einstein on Widening Our Circles of Compassion
Maria Popova
Ok folks, this one from Brain Pickings is a bit more human and a lot less financial planning, but I really liked it anyway. And it comes from Einstein so it’s gotta be good, right?
Check it out if you dare.
Should your firm be more flexible about flextime?
Kelli Cruz

As competition for talent grows, you can differentiate yourself by offering flexible work options. As many advisers seeking paraplanners already know, your competition is a paraplanning outsourcing firm that offers many of these benefits already.
This Financial Planning piece is worth a read for anyone interested in being more flexible to attract the best talent.
The Error at the Heart of Corporate Leadership
Lynn S. Paine and Joseph L. Bower

I’m a capitalist. But some days I feel slightly embarrassed at the behaviour of some modern businesses. Here’s the first piece I’ve read that helped me to understand why a flawed belief that ‘management’s objective is, or should be, maximising value for shareholders’ is often the root cause of the problem.
This is a great read from Harvard Business Review for the business owners I know who want to do things right. Some great guiding principles here.
Is it Time to Revisit Your Brand?
Mark Tibergien

Lots of firms I know are really looking at their branding, and this article provides some great advice. Your brand is your promise to your clients. It tells them what they can expect from your firm, and it differentiates you from your competitors. Your brand stems from who you are and how you want to be perceived.
It’s vital to get it right and can generate a ton of new business when you do – so it makes commercial sense too.
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