Links to get you thinking
We’re almost two months into the year and there have already been some eye-opening shares in the world of business advice and opinion online. For our FP Advance social media channels we hunt down content that is indispensable, inspiring and thought-provoking, sharing links from some of the best and brightest in the business world.
Here are some of our most popular finds for February. Well worth a clicking on:
1. Managing by the Numbers: Customizing Your Growth Strategy
Mark Tibergien
I first saw Mark Tibergien when I attended a US Financial Planning Association conference in Orlando many moons ago. Here is a great Think Advisor piece on how to use the numbers your business produces to manage your business better.
It’s a must read.
2. Letter to my younger self: keep fighting, I’m proud of you
Sam Espensen
I saw this article from The Guardian on Twitter (@brettdavidson) and I loved it. It’s an entrepreneur, Sam Espensen of Conversation Creation, writing a letter to her younger self.
A nice reminder that all lessons are leading us to greater understanding. It’s important not to forget that sometimes on the journey.
3. Stop Trying to Be Happy
Mark Manson
If I ask you, “What do you want out of life?” and you say something like, “I want to be happy and have a great family and a job I like,” it’s so ubiquitous that it doesn’t even mean anything.
A more interesting question, a question that perhaps you’ve never considered before, is what pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for? Because that seems to be a greater determinant of how our lives turn out.
Ooh, this one from Mark Manson is good!
4. Kitces: The secret formula to setting fees
Michael Kitces
If you’re still looking for the right way, or some alternative ways to charge clients, then this is your article.
Michael Kitces gives us the lowdown on a range of ways to charge for what you do.
5. It Took Sheryl Sandberg Exactly 2 Sentences to Give the Best Career Advice You’ll Hear Today
Justin Bariso
The question was posed to Sandberg: “What’s the number one thing you look for in someone who can scale with a company?”
Sandberg’s reply: “Someone who takes feedback well. Because people who can take feedback well are people who can learn and grow quickly.”
Boom goes the dynamite. This is a great read from Inc. Magazine for one’s own development, but also for considering the types of people you want on your team.
“5 brilliant bits of wisdom from the best and brightest in the business world: February edition“

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You can create a business that:
- Succeeds financially, without losing your soul
- Makes a positive impact in the community or region that you operate
- Provides freedom and lifestyle for you, the owner/s (regardless of its size)
This year’s Uncover Your Business Potential course commencing on
Tuesday 13th June 2017.

If you think the course might be for you but have questions, find more info here or drop me an email to [email protected]
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