We’ve reached the end of 2018 and you definitely deserve a break after the hard work you’ve put into your business this year.
Here at FP Advance we’ve hit on some major topics to inspire, challenge and support you in growing your business this year.
These three really got people talking, so we thought we’d share them again in case you missed them first time round.
Have a relaxing Christmas break and here’s to great things in 2019.
Are You Outrageously Expensive or Too Cheap?
There’s a lot of discussion around what is the ‘right’ way to charge for Financial Planning services when setting fees.
I get it. We’re at another inflection point in the development of our profession, and it’s right to question everything, including how your business charges.
You need to be positioning your business for where things are headed in the next ten years, not where we’ve come from in the last ten.
Keep Up the Good Work
The truth is, attending an event to find the magic bullet is easier than actually doing what is required to succeed. Reading a book can be entertaining and enjoyable, but it won’t change anything on its own.
Does that mean I’m anti books, courses and conferences? No way. It makes perfect sense to find out how to get results from someone who has been there and done that. I read widely, purchase online courses, and attend conferences and seminars regularly.
But then, guess what?
You’ve got to do the work.
Is Financial Planning Facing an ‘Amazon Moment’?
A US retailer has quadrupled its share price in the last six years in the face of direct competition from Amazon. That’s pretty unique. So how did they do it?
As one of my old business school lecturers said, “Don’t let the accountants run the company.”
“3 articles to boost your business: Setting Your Fees, The Truth about Hard Work, and How to Beat Big Business”

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