We’ve reached the end of 2020 and you definitely deserve a break after the year you’ve had and the hard work you’ve put into your business.
Here at FP Advance we’ve hit on some major topics to inspire, challenge and support you in growing your business this year.
These 5 really got people talking, so we thought we’d share them again in case you missed them first time round.
Have a relaxing Christmas break and here’s to great things in 2021.
1. Things getting tough? You’ve only got two options
Brett Davidson

When you understand the concept of the Dip, it allows you to focus on the inputs that are necessary to achieve the level of success that matters to you. By focusing on the inputs, and doing so with love and passion and excellence, you produce better quality work and, as a result, your work becomes even more rewarding and you get the outcomes you wanted all along.
So what does “the best in the world” mean for you and your business?
2. 10 Questions For…Robin Powell
Brett Davidson

Robin Powell first came to my attention with the Evidence-BasedEvidence Based Investor documentary, created in conjunction with Richard Wood and Igor Alferovs at Barnett Ravenscroft Wealth Management. As I’ve discovered over the last few years, Robin does a whole lot more than that.
I asked Robin Powell 10 questions. Here’s what he had to say.
3. Strategy and service are directly connected
Brett Davidson

All of the great financial planners I know are totally client-focused. Some are also great business people. Others find the business side of things harder to get to grips with. When it comes to serving clients the ONLY way to do that is to be 100% focused on them and their issues in any meeting. It’s no good thinking about staffing, profit margins and pricing in that situation.
Read on to find out why.4. Plus, minus, equals – an MMA legends strategy for growth
Brett Davidson

A few years ago I had breakfast with Barry Horner, CEO of Paradigm Norton Financial Planning and I asked him his best tip for any aspiring business owner. His response?
“The fastest way to accelerate your own learning and growth was to be both a mentor and mentee. “
By being both the mentor and mentee, you can accelerate your own business learning and personal growth. Read on to find out more.
5. I’ll show you mine (my value-added I mean)
Brett Davidson

For most financial planning firms, the vast majority of their time is spent on servicing existing clients. Much of that time is spent preparing for and delivering client reviews; or ongoing planning meetings as some people prefer to call them.
And it’s the part of your service you want your clients to be talking about to their friends, family and work colleagues. So, it had better be good, and it had better add value.
“Things getting tough? You’ve only got two options” and 4 more articles to boost your business
Every day’s a school day, isn’t it? (Minus the compulsory short trousers, of course) If you want to benefit from the sort of advice that comes from knowing the Financial Planning industry inside-out and from working with most of the UK’s top Financial Planning firms, then sign up to my weekly blog below. It’s free. It’s the ONLY blog the top financial planners read every week and it’s here, for you. You can say “See-ya” at any time, but I don’t think you’ll want to.
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