Live Training March 2021: Creating Your Business Plan
Live Training Materials
• Creating Your Business Plan
• Q&A Follow Up To Creating Your Business Plan
Online Resources
• The Business Plan (PDF)
• Creating Your Business Plan (PowerPoint)
• Creating Your Business Plan (PDF)
Video: Creating Your Business Plan
When it comes to creating a business plan you need a finished product that excites you. If you’re just doing it because someone said you should, it’s unlikely to achieve that objective. In this live session, I hone in on some of the key sticking points to creating a business plan that’s good enough and interesting enough to be used as a working game plan for you and your business throughout the year.
Video: Q&A Follow Up To Creating Your Business Plan
Here’s the Q&A session from 22nd April 2021
Online Resources
• The Business Plan (PDF)
• Creating Your Business Plan (PowerPoint)
• Creating Your Business Plan (PDF)
Recommended Reading
If you’re really trying to dig into your reason for being, then this book is a good place to start. Having read it myself, let me tell you that all the gold is in the last 25% of the book, so if you find yourself getting bored with all the storied part way through, just skip ahead to the final quarter.